Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Being True to Myself

I have lost my weight from watching my portions, making the right choices, and moving my body. As I kept losing the weight I realized more and more that my calling was to reach out to those who are on their own journey to lose weight.

With knowing in my heart that my purpose in life was to help people move towards their weight loss goals and to achieve their weight loss goals; I was easy prey for others. The promise to make a difference in people’s lives if I joined a specific group, the promise to coach others and to make a difference is what motivated me to sign up. It was not at all what I expected. It wasn’t what I wanted. I couldn’t get behind the workouts or the other merchandise sold. So I did nothing with it and eventually dropped it.

I want to affect everyone regardless of ability to pay and physical ability level. There is only one way to do this. That is why I became a personal trainer. I have control and am not controlled by anyone else. I have my dreams and my visions and my style, not someone else’s. I care about the people. I want to know how they are all doing. I want to know what they are thinking. I want to know how they feel. I want to be there to give them a push, to celebrate achievements, or to simply give them a kick in the rear.

When it comes to losing weight I believe in a simple philosophy: People come first. It’s a journey that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. I firmly believe that eating the right foods while watching portion sizes and exercising is the way to safely lose weight and to keep it off.

I understand that only the person who wishes to lose weight can do the work. After all, I had done all the work as has everyone else on this journey. But I will be there to offer support and guidance-even personal training.

I am going to help in my own way-not the way of someone else.

Be True to yourself

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