Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Positively Selfish

I would like to propose a new angle on the word selfish. I believe selfish to be a positive term especially with healthy lifestyles. When you pursue your health goals you need to put yourself first. Instead of thinking of that as "selfish", we need to look a step beyond and realize that by setting time aside for ourselves, we are putting ourselves in a better place to care for and be with the ones we love.

Selfish is not a bad word, it simply means we are looking after ourselves. For many of us, we are caregivers. Always taking care of everyone else- taking the kids to band practice and soccer, attending the company picnic, going out with friends, grocery shopping, taking care of ill or aging family members, working, juggling miscellaneous appointments, all while maintaining the household chores such as cooking, cleaning and walking the dog. Looking at this list…where is your “me” time? By putting everyone else first we can end up frazzled and exhausted, leaving us with little to give and ultimately ending up worn thin.

I don’t want any of you to feel frazzled. Instead I want you to feel empowered.

Let’s put the word selfish into a positive light and say “OK, I’m taking an hour to go exercise but that means my kids get a better mom/dad because I will have more energy to go outside and play with them longer and longer with each passing week.” Say to yourself,”My partner gets a better wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend because I’m more relaxed, energized and happy.” Your friends will notice the change too as your energy level continues to RISE!

Taking time for you is truly a better way of giving. You are taking the opportunity to be able to give not only to yourself, but also to your friends and family.