Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Lesson in Life

Don't let your job define who you are. Each one of us is so much more than a "job" or a "position". We are all unique and we all have a purpose far greater than any paycheck can provide.

Follow your dreams, follow your heart, follow your path.

Don't let your weight define who you are. Don't not do something because you are afraid of getting made fun of or for fear of not being able to do it. Live your life the way it was intended to be lived; with humor, grace, compassion, excitement, and purpose.

However if you aren't at a healthy weight you can change it! The first step is living your life the way it was intended to be lived. There are many people who will support you on your journey.

This journey that we call life will not always be easy, but when something gets you down, whether it be a lay off, relationship troubles, gaining weight back, loss of a loved one, whatever it is. Reach out and ask for help. It is amazing how many people will extend their hand to you. All you have to do is take it.

Imagine reaching out and accepting someones hand and you extend your other hand to someone else, then they reach out to someone else, and they reach out to someone else, and this continues on and on. We all become stronger because of the connections we make. The positive energy feeds the human spirit, and it gets stronger and stronger which is a good thing. As long as there are people in the world who care and people who keep fighting for each other, the human spirit can never be broken. Together we will triumph, sometimes it takes longer than we expect but that is all part of life's journey.

No one should have to walk their entire life path alone. If you feel as though you are alone, reach out. Someone will take your hand and walk with you.

Never Give Up!
~Richard Simmons~

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