Monday, April 12, 2010

I am NOT a Leaf

Last week when I was driving to work I noticed that all the tree's were green and bright and the cherry blossoms were gorgeous. Two days prior they were all bare. It seems amazing on how quickly they came back to a vibrant life. This made me think, and I know it sounds silly but I am so grateful that I am not a leaf. Let me explain why. A leaf is born in the Spring and it sees the Spring Showers and survives the harsh storms and brutal winds. They provide us oxygen to breathe and they are the food of animals and insects. They provide shade and beauty. But then when the fall comes they just dry out and fall off to be forgotten about. They did their purpose in life, but I'm grateful for all the things I can do. Like see winter! Leaves can't see winter they never do because they are dead. We are alive for every season, we have purpose and I'm sure many of us don't give us enough credit for what we are here for. So I realized how much of a gift we were given to be here season after season, year after year. We should seriously take advantage of everything there is. Life really is short, let's not just exist! Let's have some fun and make some differences while we are at it!!!

1 comment:

  1. for once a leaf falls to the ground its purpose is not over ... it continues to turn into the rich soil that the tree needs to survive!! so a bit of that leaf is born into every leaf in next years blossoms ... I love your writings they are sooo inspirational.... I love nature and I ove analize stuff to death as you can tell ... hahahah this entry!!
