When in doubt just keep pushing
When in doubt remember how far you've come
When in doubt remember why you are here
When in doubt don't throw in the towel
When in doubt take a moment for self reflection
Don't doubt the process
Don't doubt your strength
Be strong
Be resilient
We can do this, one day at a time
The goal isn’t to fit into a size 2 dress or to be able to run a marathon or to compete in triathlons. It is not something that is placed on your to do list only to get crossed off and forgotten about once completed. It’s so much more, this is a lifelong journey, this is a way of life: This is a lifestyle change.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Being True to Myself
I have lost my weight from watching my portions, making the right choices, and moving my body. As I kept losing the weight I realized more and more that my calling was to reach out to those who are on their own journey to lose weight.
With knowing in my heart that my purpose in life was to help people move towards their weight loss goals and to achieve their weight loss goals; I was easy prey for others. The promise to make a difference in people’s lives if I joined a specific group, the promise to coach others and to make a difference is what motivated me to sign up. It was not at all what I expected. It wasn’t what I wanted. I couldn’t get behind the workouts or the other merchandise sold. So I did nothing with it and eventually dropped it.
I want to affect everyone regardless of ability to pay and physical ability level. There is only one way to do this. That is why I became a personal trainer. I have control and am not controlled by anyone else. I have my dreams and my visions and my style, not someone else’s. I care about the people. I want to know how they are all doing. I want to know what they are thinking. I want to know how they feel. I want to be there to give them a push, to celebrate achievements, or to simply give them a kick in the rear.
When it comes to losing weight I believe in a simple philosophy: People come first. It’s a journey that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. I firmly believe that eating the right foods while watching portion sizes and exercising is the way to safely lose weight and to keep it off.
I understand that only the person who wishes to lose weight can do the work. After all, I had done all the work as has everyone else on this journey. But I will be there to offer support and guidance-even personal training.
I am going to help in my own way-not the way of someone else.
Be True to yourself
With knowing in my heart that my purpose in life was to help people move towards their weight loss goals and to achieve their weight loss goals; I was easy prey for others. The promise to make a difference in people’s lives if I joined a specific group, the promise to coach others and to make a difference is what motivated me to sign up. It was not at all what I expected. It wasn’t what I wanted. I couldn’t get behind the workouts or the other merchandise sold. So I did nothing with it and eventually dropped it.
I want to affect everyone regardless of ability to pay and physical ability level. There is only one way to do this. That is why I became a personal trainer. I have control and am not controlled by anyone else. I have my dreams and my visions and my style, not someone else’s. I care about the people. I want to know how they are all doing. I want to know what they are thinking. I want to know how they feel. I want to be there to give them a push, to celebrate achievements, or to simply give them a kick in the rear.
When it comes to losing weight I believe in a simple philosophy: People come first. It’s a journey that requires a lot of hard work and dedication. I firmly believe that eating the right foods while watching portion sizes and exercising is the way to safely lose weight and to keep it off.
I understand that only the person who wishes to lose weight can do the work. After all, I had done all the work as has everyone else on this journey. But I will be there to offer support and guidance-even personal training.
I am going to help in my own way-not the way of someone else.
Be True to yourself
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thoughts About Cheat Days
Many folks have asked so I will answer... "Meg, do you allow yourself a cheat day".
My answer is, it depends on your definition. You see this isn't a diet for me, but a lifestyle. I do the things I do (eat well, exercise most everday) because I want to feel good. Eating junk doesn't make me feel good. It might be "good" going down, but a couple of minutes later, my tummy starts to rumble and then you know the rest of that story. I don't feel good. I don't have energy. I am tired and sluggish. And the next day after eating poorly, I have what I consider a food hangover. So, do I eat "perfectly" everday? No. Do I eat things that are a little less nutrient dense occasionally? YES. but the key is moderation. I believe in balance, nothing in excess. So if you are craving chocolate, have a nickel size piece of organic, dark chocolate. Be sure that before you "indulge" you define your portion and you determine why you want that.
So I turn the question back to you. Are you eating/cheating for an emotional reason? Are you really just thirsty? Are you really just tired and need a "pick me up"? Is it because you are with someone else who is "pigging out" and needs company?
If you answer yes to any of those questions, reconsider the choice before the food crosses your lips!
It's as simple as this. You wouldn't dump a sack of sugar into the gas tank of your car every now and then just to save money because sugar is cheaper than gasoline-- would you? Your car will shut down, right? So does your body.
Think about it.
My answer is, it depends on your definition. You see this isn't a diet for me, but a lifestyle. I do the things I do (eat well, exercise most everday) because I want to feel good. Eating junk doesn't make me feel good. It might be "good" going down, but a couple of minutes later, my tummy starts to rumble and then you know the rest of that story. I don't feel good. I don't have energy. I am tired and sluggish. And the next day after eating poorly, I have what I consider a food hangover. So, do I eat "perfectly" everday? No. Do I eat things that are a little less nutrient dense occasionally? YES. but the key is moderation. I believe in balance, nothing in excess. So if you are craving chocolate, have a nickel size piece of organic, dark chocolate. Be sure that before you "indulge" you define your portion and you determine why you want that.
So I turn the question back to you. Are you eating/cheating for an emotional reason? Are you really just thirsty? Are you really just tired and need a "pick me up"? Is it because you are with someone else who is "pigging out" and needs company?
If you answer yes to any of those questions, reconsider the choice before the food crosses your lips!
It's as simple as this. You wouldn't dump a sack of sugar into the gas tank of your car every now and then just to save money because sugar is cheaper than gasoline-- would you? Your car will shut down, right? So does your body.
Think about it.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
30 Minutes In

As the sweat pours off of my face, my body glistening with perspiration, breathing hard, fatigue setting in-- I grit my teeth and go for one more lift, my body shakes, I dig deep. One final push--I can do this.
I finish my my final set of bicep curls. Abs still engaged, protecting the lower back. Exhausted, it's time for hot peppers.
Feet moving quickly as though there are burning coals beneath them, staying low, abs engaged, focused. Tears of sweat falls to the floor--Then a yell--dropping down to the floor in a push up position holding it for a split second then popping back up again--fast feet--then a yell--back down--and up--Never knowing when that yell is going to come, this lasts for one minute--it feels like an eternity.
Exhausted--leg press comes and goes much to quickly--frog jumps are worse than hot peppers--dripping--breathing--mountain climbers--ab-work--mountain climbers--ab work--mountain climbers. Those mountain climbers are evil, takes everything inside to push through but it's not over... six minutes of sprints
Believe in yourself.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Be Strong
I just don't understand. Everyone knows that I'm on a huge weight loss journey. They know I'm careful about what I eat and even more so with my food allergies. So why ask me if I want to go to McDonald's for dinner? The answer is no. So don't change the invite to KFC and say "but it's grilled!" and then upon another decline ask if I would like to go to BK for a whopper??? The answer is still NO!
Don't give up! Keep on doing what you know is right for you. At the end of the day you'll feel much better.
Don't give up! Keep on doing what you know is right for you. At the end of the day you'll feel much better.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
LiveFit Revolution Rocks!!!
I was sitting at my desk and just realized that if and when I lose another 15lbs that I will only have 29lbs to go until I am at my goal weight. That is huge! I have realized that I am so close that I can touch it. I feel this new rejuvenated outlook towards the future. I really believe that I will be at my goal weight by September.
So I'm sure some of you will be wondering what's with the 15lbs? I've been following a great kettlebell program called LiveFit Revolution and have followed it for 6 weeks. I have lost 15 lbs so far!!! I have set the intention to lose another 15 over the next 6 weeks.
While yes, I am dealing with a medical issue that is making me tired all the time-I can keep going. I can keep pushing. I can keep going forward. No matter what those test results show, the best thing for me and my health will be to keep going for a healthier me and the only way to do that is to eat right and keep on exercising.
Did you know today is National Running Day? I am going to go for a run tonight. I'm hoping to get in 3 miles outside provided the storms stay at bay. If not I'll hit the treadmill. Will you be running today?
Be healthy and sweat happy!!
So I'm sure some of you will be wondering what's with the 15lbs? I've been following a great kettlebell program called LiveFit Revolution and have followed it for 6 weeks. I have lost 15 lbs so far!!! I have set the intention to lose another 15 over the next 6 weeks.
While yes, I am dealing with a medical issue that is making me tired all the time-I can keep going. I can keep pushing. I can keep going forward. No matter what those test results show, the best thing for me and my health will be to keep going for a healthier me and the only way to do that is to eat right and keep on exercising.
Did you know today is National Running Day? I am going to go for a run tonight. I'm hoping to get in 3 miles outside provided the storms stay at bay. If not I'll hit the treadmill. Will you be running today?
Be healthy and sweat happy!!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
A Lesson in Life
Don't let your job define who you are. Each one of us is so much more than a "job" or a "position". We are all unique and we all have a purpose far greater than any paycheck can provide.
Follow your dreams, follow your heart, follow your path.
Don't let your weight define who you are. Don't not do something because you are afraid of getting made fun of or for fear of not being able to do it. Live your life the way it was intended to be lived; with humor, grace, compassion, excitement, and purpose.
However if you aren't at a healthy weight you can change it! The first step is living your life the way it was intended to be lived. There are many people who will support you on your journey.
This journey that we call life will not always be easy, but when something gets you down, whether it be a lay off, relationship troubles, gaining weight back, loss of a loved one, whatever it is. Reach out and ask for help. It is amazing how many people will extend their hand to you. All you have to do is take it.
Imagine reaching out and accepting someones hand and you extend your other hand to someone else, then they reach out to someone else, and they reach out to someone else, and this continues on and on. We all become stronger because of the connections we make. The positive energy feeds the human spirit, and it gets stronger and stronger which is a good thing. As long as there are people in the world who care and people who keep fighting for each other, the human spirit can never be broken. Together we will triumph, sometimes it takes longer than we expect but that is all part of life's journey.
No one should have to walk their entire life path alone. If you feel as though you are alone, reach out. Someone will take your hand and walk with you.
Never Give Up! ~Richard Simmons~
Follow your dreams, follow your heart, follow your path.
Don't let your weight define who you are. Don't not do something because you are afraid of getting made fun of or for fear of not being able to do it. Live your life the way it was intended to be lived; with humor, grace, compassion, excitement, and purpose.
However if you aren't at a healthy weight you can change it! The first step is living your life the way it was intended to be lived. There are many people who will support you on your journey.
This journey that we call life will not always be easy, but when something gets you down, whether it be a lay off, relationship troubles, gaining weight back, loss of a loved one, whatever it is. Reach out and ask for help. It is amazing how many people will extend their hand to you. All you have to do is take it.
Imagine reaching out and accepting someones hand and you extend your other hand to someone else, then they reach out to someone else, and they reach out to someone else, and this continues on and on. We all become stronger because of the connections we make. The positive energy feeds the human spirit, and it gets stronger and stronger which is a good thing. As long as there are people in the world who care and people who keep fighting for each other, the human spirit can never be broken. Together we will triumph, sometimes it takes longer than we expect but that is all part of life's journey.
No one should have to walk their entire life path alone. If you feel as though you are alone, reach out. Someone will take your hand and walk with you.
Monday, April 12, 2010
I am NOT a Leaf
Last week when I was driving to work I noticed that all the tree's were green and bright and the cherry blossoms were gorgeous. Two days prior they were all bare. It seems amazing on how quickly they came back to a vibrant life. This made me think, and I know it sounds silly but I am so grateful that I am not a leaf. Let me explain why. A leaf is born in the Spring and it sees the Spring Showers and survives the harsh storms and brutal winds. They provide us oxygen to breathe and they are the food of animals and insects. They provide shade and beauty. But then when the fall comes they just dry out and fall off to be forgotten about. They did their purpose in life, but I'm grateful for all the things I can do. Like see winter! Leaves can't see winter they never do because they are dead. We are alive for every season, we have purpose and I'm sure many of us don't give us enough credit for what we are here for. So I realized how much of a gift we were given to be here season after season, year after year. We should seriously take advantage of everything there is. Life really is short, let's not just exist! Let's have some fun and make some differences while we are at it!!!
Thursday, March 25, 2010
It is inevitable that we will all struggle with specific challenges. It doesn't matter if we stumble and fall. What matters is getting back up and trying again. It takes more courage to brush yourself off than it does to quit.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.
~Mary Anne Radmacher
If you stumbled today, remember tomorrow is a new day and it will get better! Just wait and see!!! Sometimes we need a little encouragement, but a lot of times we need to be more patient with ourselves.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow.
~Mary Anne Radmacher
If you stumbled today, remember tomorrow is a new day and it will get better! Just wait and see!!! Sometimes we need a little encouragement, but a lot of times we need to be more patient with ourselves.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Time Is Now: Make A Healthy & Balanced Kids Menu
Jillian Michaels posed a very good question!
"WHY are all kids menus mac n cheese, chicken fingers, pbj on white bread, spaghetti, burger & Fries..."
We need to start teaching our kids how to eat right young and we aren't going to do this with the standard kids menu! There needs to be some REAL changes in the restaurant business.
"WHY are all kids menus mac n cheese, chicken fingers, pbj on white bread, spaghetti, burger & Fries..."
We need to start teaching our kids how to eat right young and we aren't going to do this with the standard kids menu! There needs to be some REAL changes in the restaurant business.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
There are some things in life that are much more difficult than losing weight. These things cause imbalances and make it even harder to shed the pounds. We have to get over our inner demons somehow... and be able to love ourselves.
YIKES! I heard that, all those grumbles and I see those faces being made.
This is important. This is something I'm working on myself. It's not easy and working through these kind of things can cause us to lash out at those we don't want to hurt in order to protect ourselves. But are we really protecting ourselves? I don't think so. I think we are hurting ourselves more. I'm going to keep going at it. After all I made a promise to work on this and I don't break my promises.
YIKES! I heard that, all those grumbles and I see those faces being made.
This is important. This is something I'm working on myself. It's not easy and working through these kind of things can cause us to lash out at those we don't want to hurt in order to protect ourselves. But are we really protecting ourselves? I don't think so. I think we are hurting ourselves more. I'm going to keep going at it. After all I made a promise to work on this and I don't break my promises.
"Habit is habit and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed downstairs a step at a time."
~Mark Twain
What will you work on?
Monday, February 15, 2010
A Little Bird Whispered In My Ear
As I was out and about running errands I came to the sudden realization that I was hungry. I wasn't surprised as I now eat 5 times a day every 3 hours. It had been 3.5 hours since I ate, so I was looking to refuel! I stopped inside K-Mart hoping that they would have a nice healthy treat.
I was wrong!
They had chips, pork rinds, sausage sticks, cheese in a can and cheese on a stick and the candy...oh my did they have candy. Well this would never do! Just looking at some of the stuff was making my stomach turn...I mean Burger King Onion Rings??? Ketchup flavored chips??? YUCK!!! But I must admit, I held that Dark Chocolate Bar in my hands carrying it around wondering how I could justify it! Well I couldn't, so back on the shelf it went with all of it's chocolaty friends!
I then went to the cereal aisle and went looking for gluten free products...Well I found them...And Ohhhh I wanted them! But after reading the labels, I realized it wouldn't do not at all...Not because I knew it was the right thing- it was because of a little bird who is always whispering in my ear! So I put down the Chocolate Chex knowing that it is not on my list of approved foods and grumbled a little bit, then went home and ate an ORANGE!!! That orange was WONDERFUL!!!! I couldn't have been happier with my decision to walk away from the processed food and go back to good side where there is healthy and tastier foods :)
Thank you Dr. M for being that little bird on my shoulder!
I was wrong!
They had chips, pork rinds, sausage sticks, cheese in a can and cheese on a stick and the candy...oh my did they have candy. Well this would never do! Just looking at some of the stuff was making my stomach turn...I mean Burger King Onion Rings??? Ketchup flavored chips??? YUCK!!! But I must admit, I held that Dark Chocolate Bar in my hands carrying it around wondering how I could justify it! Well I couldn't, so back on the shelf it went with all of it's chocolaty friends!
I then went to the cereal aisle and went looking for gluten free products...Well I found them...And Ohhhh I wanted them! But after reading the labels, I realized it wouldn't do not at all...Not because I knew it was the right thing- it was because of a little bird who is always whispering in my ear! So I put down the Chocolate Chex knowing that it is not on my list of approved foods and grumbled a little bit, then went home and ate an ORANGE!!! That orange was WONDERFUL!!!! I couldn't have been happier with my decision to walk away from the processed food and go back to good side where there is healthy and tastier foods :)
Thank you Dr. M for being that little bird on my shoulder!
Friday, February 12, 2010
For Once Someone is Mad at ME!!!!
Today I walked into the vet with Koda and was greeted by the vet and receptionist with "We're mad at you!" I was confused, I couldn't figure out what I had done. Then the vet said "you've lost a lot of weight!! You look great!" Well at this point I understood and was quite pleased with myself. No one has ever had that response to me before and I have to be honest, it felt great!!
I was asked how I did it and the recipe is pretty easy. I exercise nearly every day, I eat whole foods, I'm gluten free, and I'm not afraid to try new things! There are a lot of great yummy foods available that are clean and healthy! I also have to give it up to Richard Simmons who makes exercise fun and Dr. M for helping me find great foods and recipes!
I was asked how I did it and the recipe is pretty easy. I exercise nearly every day, I eat whole foods, I'm gluten free, and I'm not afraid to try new things! There are a lot of great yummy foods available that are clean and healthy! I also have to give it up to Richard Simmons who makes exercise fun and Dr. M for helping me find great foods and recipes!
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