As the sweat pours off of my face, my body glistening with perspiration, breathing hard, fatigue setting in-- I grit my teeth and go for one more lift, my body shakes, I dig deep. One final push--I can do this.
I finish my my final set of bicep curls. Abs still engaged, protecting the lower back. Exhausted, it's time for hot peppers.
Feet moving quickly as though there are burning coals beneath them, staying low, abs engaged, focused. Tears of sweat falls to the floor--Then a yell--dropping down to the floor in a push up position holding it for a split second then popping back up again--fast feet--then a yell--back down--and up--Never knowing when that yell is going to come, this lasts for one minute--it feels like an eternity.
Exhausted--leg press comes and goes much to quickly--frog jumps are worse than hot peppers--dripping--breathing--mountain climbers--ab-work--mountain climbers--ab work--mountain climbers. Those mountain climbers are evil, takes everything inside to push through but it's not over... six minutes of sprints
Believe in yourself.